Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Maintenence work.

In a few weeks, Warrior is due to be taken out of the water to enable us to re-black the hull.This will require being towed down river & into the river Roach & along to Suttons boat yard in Rochford.

In preparation,I have spent this afternoon sanding down one side of the upper superstructure; if you look again at my first photograph of Warrior, it is the green colour that I have sanded & applied red oxide paint to any rust spots. I still have the other side to do, which will be more fun, as it is along the waters edge!

The part I am not looking forward to,is the roof.It is in desperate need of a repaint but, sanding it down is going to be a real tough task.

Due to the costs involved in taking the barge out, the main objective will be to get the hull done, anything else will be a bonus.The water line will be shot blasted by a professional, followed closely by myself frantically covering the bare metal with epoxy paint! We have had the usual 'Let us know when & we will help.' from the family/friends however, we shall wait & see how many actually turn up on the day.

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