Monday, 24 August 2009

Our neighbour has asked me to prepare & paint his fishing boat; as I don't seem to have a lot on at the moment, who am I to refuse!

I drove over to Pagglesham this morning & put in a six hour shift, mainly sanding down all the outer areas, before staining the gunwales & buffer strips along the side. I don't like using water based wood stains, they seem to sit on top of the wood, rather than penetrate it but hey, it's not my boat!

The next aim, tomorrow, will be to apply the gloss paint to the hull sides & fore deck, with a second coat to follow on Wednesday. Hopefully, I can also apply varnish to the stained wood, the same day, as he hopes to get bit back in the water on Thursday!!!!!!!!!

The interior of the cabin needs the most work but, that will be down to him to complete once he has brought the boat around to Wallasea Island. It is a nice sea going fishing boat, just a shame it is made from marine ply & not GRP as,it will take a lot of looking after.

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