Tuesday, 22 February 2011

See what I mean! Barney was not too impressed with wearing his life jacket and being kept on the lead, even though we tried to explain it was for his own safety!
The main problem again this winter, is our ongoing saga of lack of heating oil. People think we are paranoid when we tell them that we get treated differently to the other liveabords but, what happened over the oil seemed to justify our position.
One of the other boat owners offered to deliver us some heating oil, when he was having his own tanks filled however, he talked about this up at the marina bar to the other members of the 'five o clock club' & within days, we had a message back to say that he was unable to help after all, due to 'health & safety issues.' Two weeks later, the same vessel was used to go alongside 5 other liveaboards to deliver, yes you guessed it, heating oil!
The marina owners have condescended to allow us to be taken to the jetty, so that a delivery of oil can be made via a road tanker, at the cost of £240. The usual cost of taking 'Warrior' to the jetty & back is £80 but, they also now want to charge us £160 'waiting time' as two of the yard lads would have to oversea the delivery. Fair point you might add however, no one else is charged this 'waiting time' so, as a matter of dogged principal, we refuse to pay it which means we stay cold in stead. My arguement being, we pay over £6k per year in mooring fees so, surely some of that should go towards a few hours of the workers time when we need them?

1 comment:

  1. Just to add, we left for work at 7.15am today, I returned at 3.30pm to find that the power to the marina had been off since 8am, to allow for repair work to the electrical supply onto the Island. Nobody had bothered to inform us, only those 'special people' knew anything about it, giving them time to sort out generators.
