Sunday, 20 October 2013

Living on a barge perched ten feet up in the air, in a boat yard, is not my idea of fun. Just over two weeks since lift out but, it seems like a month or more.

The sand blasting only took two days (rather him than me!) & the 2 pack primer & top coats were applied the following day. The sand blasting found four weak spots & did for several rivet heads. My task was to tape over these areas before the painting could start & then take it all off again afterwards.

It was hard to find a welder at short notice & we have to thank two people (can't be named) from my work place, who came to our rescue, spending 15 hours between them under the hull. Good to know there are still some diamond geezers (Essex talk) out there.

The final part of the welding was completed yesterday (sat 19th) & I have spent this morning going over the welded areas applying a 2 pack primer. Once that has dried, I shall be under there again applying the 2 pack top coat.

Monday afternoon, warrior will be lifted in the hoist, so we can gain access to the areas covered by the chocks. These will have to be prepared & coated the same night, as we hope to be relaunched Tuesday morning.

It's all go!

 After the spraying on of the 2 pack epoxy paint system.
There is a welder under there somewhere!

Looking forward to getting back afloat, so we can start the big clean up, there is grit every where!

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